Fun Text Message Strategies

1. Beware of being boring and repetitive. Predictability and boredom are the most serious crimes when it comes to flirting via text messages. Text messages should be entertaining and entertaining. If you aren't able to come up with something fun or interesting to say, then you probably shouldn't text her at all.For example, you shouldn't start a text conversation with messages as boring as "Hey :)" or "How is your day going?" It's a complete snorefest. It is likely that you will receive the same messages from each guy that you encounter, so why not try something new. Try something different to give her an incentive. Like, "You totally cheated at Football the other night." I call for a rematch."

2. Personalize your messages. Text messages can sometimes seem impersonal. This will make it easier to build a bond between you. You can send her name in an email. This will make it more personal and thrilling. It's also possible to name her after an individual nickname. This makes it seem as if you're sharing an inside joke. Use the terms "us" and "we" in your messages. This creates an "me and you against the world" feeling that girls are drawn to.

3. You can compliment her. For instance, "Wow, I love your hair today, it's stunning!" It's quite simple-girls love to receive compliments and it makes them feel special and valued. It's fine to add a couple of praises within your emails. It's possible to make a simple and effective compliment such as "I am constantly thinking about you in your blue and black dress" (or opt for something more interesting like "You have the most unique sense of humor. I enjoy it!" Be sincere and not just try to impress her. A fake can be detected by women right away. Have a look at this passionate text sms for lover for info.

4. Be be mysterious. It's not a bad idea to be slightly mysterious in your messages to text - you would like her to feel as if she's following you and not the other way around, so try to appear a bit slack or even aloof however, not so often as she becomes concerned about your actions. For instance, if you ask her how you were doing, don't reply by sending a long text describing every boring details (see the first step). Try writing something such as "It was pretty weird actually. It's amazing that people can be so fascinating. You can be sure that she'll be interested and may ask you for more details in the following message. Also, if she inquires about your plans are for the weekend, don't reveal too much (unless you have genuinely intriguing plans). It's unlikely to entice the woman to say that you'll be staying home during the weekend to finish papers. Tell her that you're going to take on a dragon or any other strange creature. It doesn't have to be true.

5.Tease her a bit. Teasing can be a great flirting tool. It builds intimacy between you, without being too serious. As we've mentioned that calling your girl a cute nickname (one which is only used by you) is a great way to poke fun at her without becoming offensive. You can make use of phrases such as "freckles", or "little miss perfection" to mock your daughter. Say something to her that you saw or heard the last time you hung out. If she mentions she's planning to get a Coke and you want to make a comment like "just don't squirt that out your nose as you did the last time.)" This is called call-back comedy. When you draw attention to an occasion where you had a good time this can make her feel more positive about your relationship. You must be respectful and not mean-spirited, otherwise the texting relationship you have with her will soon end.

6 Try to be a bit provocative. Any flirting text relationship wouldn't be complete if it didn't have some sexually sexy idea to keep it fresh. You can either inquire about her dress or simply say "I enjoyed what you put on in that dress, but I think what you would wear underneath it more." Another good technique is to use a innocent expression of hers and interpret it as sexual. For instance when she says something like "I cannot believe how long it is!" (referring to a film or something equally innocuous) you could reply with a simple "that's what she said". You can mention that you just came out of the shower if you are a little nervous about having a sexting conversation. If she responds in a sexually flirtatious manner (like "dang. I'd like to have that") you'll be able to see that she's interested in the idea. See this love text long distance relationship for recommendations.

Text Flirting Etiquette
1. Keep your messages short and short. Long messages can be dull and can make you appear bored. The messages you send should be short and sweet, no more than two or three sentences. Try to make to each message funny, clever or sweet. Flirting should not involve small talk about the weather.

2. Send the same number messages. It is important to send the same amount of texts to everyone in your texting relationships. The sending of too many text messages can make you seem uninterested or available. You could make her feel too confident, which can be a cause for her to be scared or to lose her attraction. If you're not careful, you might seem disinterested, or make her believe that you're messaging multiple girls at the same time. If this happens you're not sending enough messages, she might decide to give you up for a loss. It is essential to strike a balance. Send her roughly the same number of messages. It is important to know who initiates and ends every conversation. Alternate, if possible.

3. Be careful with your grammar and spelling. When you send text messages, you want to convey the impression of being intelligent and funny. Teenagers may be fine with this, but anyone over 18 has to be attentive to spelling and grammar.
It doesn't take a dictionary in order to appear smart. Just look over the text you're about to send to check for obvious spelling errors or typos. The way your text is interpreted will depend on the way you write your punctuation. It's possible to discern if your girlfriend sends you a photo of her in a new dress. This is more enthusiastic and fun than "wow!" while "I love it ..."" is more appealing, flirty, and flirty as opposed to "I am in love with it". Be careful not to use exclamation marks, questions marks, smiley face, winky faces or other emoticons too much. Although they are useful when they are used correctly however, they may look sloppy when used in excess. Have a look at this beautiful relationship sms for examples.

4. Don't let your conversation drag. It is important to know how to end the conversation. [8] If you don't stop texting at some point, you'll be bored and the conversation will turn boring and boring. The trick is to stop the conversation before getting to that point, so you'll always keep her interested. The best way to end the conversation is with something flirty and cute, such as "gotta go I'm going to go, my dear. I'll chat to you next time." Don't get in too much trouble with me!" or "Time for bed, need to get my beautiful sleep." You're invited to your fantasies!

5. Do not use text flirting as a substitute for real flirting. Text flirting is best used to flirt for a short period between real-life flirting sessions. Texting is greatbecause you can say things in text that you'd be embarrassed to say in person. But nothing beats the excitement of flirting in person. To plan your next casual evening out or to arrange an evening date, you may make use of text messages. It gives you a reason to text and is something that you can both anticipate. Keep in mind that things like long eye contact, a dazzling smile and a well-timed brush of the arm beat an assortment of words on a screen at any time of the day.

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